Nog 73 dagen
a L


In order to keep your visit and stay pleasant, the following house rules apply to the visit and stay of all Visitors at the events organized by or on behalf of the private company with limited liability PAR-T BV:

– Visitors to the event and the event location must in principle be at least 18 years of age. Employees of PAR-T BV or the event location and/or security staff have the right at all times to demand that the visitor identifies himself by means of a valid proof of identity.

– Visitors must be in the possession of a valid admission ticket.

– For security reasons, the visitor is obliged, at the first request of employees of PAR-T BV and/or the event location, security personnel, police and/or another competent authority, to render his or her cooperation in the investigation of clothing (search), to allow inspection of items carried (bags, backpacks, carrier bags) and the passing through a security gate.

– The visitor is expressly not allowed to bring or have glass, plastic bottles, cans, fireworks, drugs, (fire) arms and/or other dangerous objects and/or substances (including spray cans and CS gas), food and/or (alcoholic) beverages and/or pets or animals, at the event location, during and after the event.

– Traveling to and from and entering, residing in and leaving the event location and attending the event at the event location takes place entirely for the risk of the visitor. PAR-T BV is not responsible and accepts no liability for any damage, from whatever nature, either directly or indirectly resulting from activities or inactivities of PAR-T BV, its employees, or other persons engaged by PAR-T BV, or third parties, during the visit to or stay at the event location, unless this damage results from intent or gross negligence on the part of PAR-T BV.

– Visitors are advised to protect their hearing during the event using special ear plugs and allowing their hearing to rest from time to time by going to an area where no music is played. Ear plugs are available at the EHBO and the general entrance of the event location during events organized by or on behalf of PAR-T BV.

– Visitors shall be dressed in an appropriate way. Wearing soccer shirts and/or clothing, insignes, badges, caps/hats and flags (e.g. football clubs, motor clubs) which could be deemed as discriminatory or provocative, are prohibited.  

– During events, smoking at the event location is only allowed in the designated (smoking) area(s). Smoking in the festival tents or shelters is expressly not allowed.

– PAR-T BV will not accept threat, theft, mistreatment, discrimination, unwanted attentions and other inconvenient, provocative and/or offensive behavior and attempts thereto by visitors. 

– Without prior written consent of PAR-T BV, Visitors are not allowed to hand out and distribute or cause to be handed out promotional material (e.g. samples, flyers, merchandise).

– Without prior written consent of PAR-T BV, visitors are not allowed to make, reproduce, distribute and making available to the public of audio/visual recordings (e.g. pictures, films, footage) of their visit to and stay at the event organized by or on behalf of PAR-T BV.  

– Visitors acknowledge that at certain places at the event location a video surveillance system is operational and agree that audio/visual recordings can be made of them by or on behalf of PAR-T BV within the context of public order and safety, which recordings could be reproduced and made available to the public. For the purpose of public order and safety, these recordings could be provided to third parties.

– By entering and leaving the event location, visitors shall not cause nuisance for residents.

– It is prohibited to take glass and/or bottles outside the event location.

– Visitors are at all times obliged to comply at the first request with instructions, regulations and/or the directions of employees of PAR-T BV and/or the event location, security personnel, the police and/or another competent authority.

– Next to these house rules, the general visitor conditions apply to any visit to or any stay at the event location in conjunction with events organized by or on behalf of PAR-T BV. The general visitor conditions and the PAR-T BV house rules can be consulted online and can be stored digitally via a special web page of the PAR-T BV website ( and are sent free of charge upon request. In the event the house rules are violated or in case of any repeated or continued conduct on the part of the visitor that is not in accordance with the aforementioned house rules and the prevailing social standards of decency and public morality, the visitor may be denied access to the event and, if necessary, the visitor may be handed over to the police, without the visitor becoming entitled to compensation of the admission price of the admission ticket and any service and/or administration costs charged and/or other costs. In the event of an eviction, the associated data is always shared with the local authorities.